I conduct schools visits which are (hopefully!) inspiring, educational and fun! Visits draw upon the Tom Mouse book and or my adventure challenges. The Tom Mouse story book is used primarily to support Key Stage 1, and links strongly with the themes of adventure, resilience, self-confidence, friendship and supporting one another. Sessions are interactive and include students starting to develop their own stories and adventures.
I am also a charity fundraiser, undertaking adventure challenges around the world each year. In 2019 I rode a motorcycle from London to Mount Everest in China, travelling over 10,000 miles, through 19 countries. I would be happy to share this experience or any of my other adventure challenges, shown at
Please contact me at or give me a call on 07539 380430 to discuss your requirements. Some initial questions are covered below.
I would be delighted to sign copies of the book. If the school is happy to have book sales then I can provide a draft letter for the school to remind parents to provide the children with money if they wish to purchase a book or a Mouse, or both! Books and Toys are discounted for schools visits. Softback book £6 (usually £6.99), hardback book £10 (usually £10.99), and soft toy Tom Mouse £10 (usually £10.99).
A reminder, 50% of profits go to the Down’s Syndrome Association and 50% towards the next book!
I will donate a signed copy of the book to the school library.
It is always useful to discuss my visit at least 2 weeks in advance, ideally face to face, with the teacher responsible.
Questions for us to consider include:
What are the objectives and expectations of the school?
- typically this is about encouraging children to read, inspiring them to create their own stories. It can also be about the author sharing some of his adventures.
- a draft of a book reading and event is shown below; this can be tailored to suit. -
What is the required date / time and length of event?
- generally this would be either a single session with one class (up to an hour) or multiple classes through the school day. -
What year-group / age will be involved?
- related to the Tom Mouse books: key stage 1 (nursery, reception, years 1 & 2) and early key stage 2.
- related to adventure challenges: all years / whole school. -
What format should the visit / event take?
- this is very flexible and I can tailor any event to suit the needs of the school.
- I am DBS cleared but at least one teacher should be present at all times and preferably be involved in the event/s. -
What pre-work is required by the school?
- if toy sales & book sales / signing - then a letter to parents at least a week in advance.
- awareness amongst teachers and classes that will be involved in the visit / event. -
What follow-up might the school take with pupils?
- consider linking in to other class work, e.g. creativity and story writing; including themes such as the importance of helping one another. -
What supporting equipment might be required?
- projector, screen, colouring pencils, paper, copies of Tom Mouse line drawing. -
What fees are payable?
- fees begin at £150.

"I would whole heartedly recommend 'You Can Do It Tom Mouse' as a text which children can engage with and enjoy. It's a story that they can relate to their own lives, providing comfort and reassurance." - Year 2 Teacher
"Dicky's story, along with Tom Mouse, fits our Growth Mindset and School Values incredibly well - a great encouragement for stepping out of our comfort zones." - Headteacher
"I found the way in which you planned for your visit to our school very thorough and professional and an invaluable source of inspiration to the children at our school." - School Coordinator
"Dicky Barr was great with Class Three. They enjoyed the story and hearing about the background. The activity about what adventure they would go on sparked their curiosity." - Year 3 Teacher
"Dicky's whole school assembly brought his story and the story of Tom Mouse to life. His presentation engaged all children and many were inspired to write as a direct consequence of his enthusiasm and passion for storytelling." - Headteacher
You may download this line drawing of Tom Mouse if you wish, for colouring in!
... and Tom Mouse's suitcase and some items for you to choose from for our adventure!
(click on the suitcase for both illustrations)

Here is a Tom Mouse poster you can print ...
©2020 Tom Mouse Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.